Lena Tovaleva
I am a beginner illustrator. Most of the work is sustained in a graphic style, but there is work done in other styles. Participated in the Russian Art Week, Student Art Fair, and a solo exhibition at the gallery cleaning clothes.
Sergey Parfenuk
The variety of styles and vectors – from abstract to figurative painting. But always distinct, recognizable own style, bright pictorial and graphical in the same time. His method is formed by natural dialogue with art of predecessors.
Barbara Petzold
Barbara visualize images that live in her mind, and each of the have both sides, as light and dark, or rise and sunset. Art is barometer of our society.
Christos Bouronikos
Bright figure of pop contemporary art. Using in his art works mix techniques and media he reveals hot social subjects of the high end life.
Ilya Kukushkin
He graduated from the Düsseldorf Academy of Arts, as an artist he is very distinct and consistent in his creative research. Excellent color and form possession. He also follows the principle of "the made" artwork by Pavel Filonov’s testament. Kukushkin’s style, which he called “Neo analytical constructivism”, is a continuation of ideas, which were laid down in the "Analytical Painting" (1917) manifesto by Filonov.
Jannis markopoulos
Main paradigm in Jannis artworks is time. He deliberately moves time borders, to create finally an irrational visual calembour. So he creates something you’ll probably never happened meet in reality if only on artworks.
Alejandro Contrera Moiraghi
Valery Pesin
His art, is so light and unrestricted. Valera is a nick name, that represents his freedom as an artist improvisator, his works light and transparent on the first view , are the real attraction force.
Pejman Ebadi
Art is back to basics, real fillings , thoughts and emotions. It’s like a way back to home, you go down this road and in the same time free yourself from all a heavy load to bear. Your are free, I’m free when I paint.