Personal exhibition
Gallery "6th Line" , Minsk, Belarus
Gallery "Im Hof", Essen, Germany
Catholic University, Lublin, Poland
Art Palace, Minsk
Stichtigh Muset, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Zlato gallery, Moscow
Museum Lembork , Poland
Gallery "Rectoverso", Luxemburg
Central House of Artist, Moscow
Russian art fund, Moscow
Federation tower, Art Jar gallery
Group exhibitions:
Leningrad state university
Norblin – Museum, Warsaw
Sachet – Galerie, Warsaw
Kulturzentrum, Roermond Holland
Westeuropalsches, Kulturzentrum Koln
Kulturzentrum in Monchengladbach, Germany
Arte directo gallery, Granada Spain
Kunstlerforum, Bonn Germany
I had an absolutely Nabokov childhood with private German school, with German literature, history and geography in German language. Good books and every summer trips with parents to the cites of Pribaltika. And I almost didn’t noticed that I live in Soviet country, because characters from Thomas Mayne Reid, Cooper or Thor Heyerdahl stories were mach closer and realistic for me then for example Lenin, Brejnev or school teachers.
That’s interesting to recall my ancestors as V.K. Bijalinitski-Birukia painter or sea biologist, who took part in baron de Tolly expedition to the Sannikov land and pink sea gull.
A beautiful family legend, my grandfather Franek, who was an amateur painter redeemed from Nazi concentration camp my grandmother for a series of erotic paintings.
After school I entered the polytechnic university, but after two years was dismissed from it. I worked on factory assembly belt line, building, as a locksmith, carpenter…
When understood that painting is for good, I left all jobs and become a yardman and night watchman.
From the beginning of Perestroika I got an opportunity to travel abroad, make my own exhibitions without asking anyone permission. Since then painting is my only source of income. I always tried to minimize dependency from government, systems and society. Artist’s life is an escape from this dependence and in the same time way to something inaccessible. Life is a voyage, pilgrimage, action. Happiness is not an achievement, but an eternal way.
On this long way we always meet situations, objects, heroes worth notice, and admire. As known an ability to be amazed is an initial artist’s dignity thereby main mission is to show the situation correctly, and while doing your work, you absolutely don’t have time to think about such trifles as style, composition, color, drawing…
Form always appears by itself, exactly what is needed for this story or character. It always terns fine because it’s fair. That the only thing that an artist has to do is to do his art fairly and always being in this amazing state of pilgrimage.
V. Pesin